Mid to Late Career

We have put together some common questions that people often ask based on their life stage. You may have questions that aren’t shown here. Don’t worry, we will tailor your plan to fit you! Contact us.

What’s important to you?

Here’s how we can help:

  • By listening to you to understand your values and help you prioritize your goals

  • Helping you to determine a realistic timeline to accomplish your goals

  • Understand your needs versus wants (they are different for everyone!)

Am I on track to reach my goals?

  • Create a spending plan that works for you

  • Discuss housing options, refinancing or paying down your mortgage

  • Advise on how much should be saved for short term goals (ex. a new car) and for long term goals (ex. retirement)

  • Discuss the best places to save your money based on your goals and timeline

  • Analyze your taxes to identify potential savings

Am I protected if something goes wrong?

  • Discuss which insurance policies you may need to reduce major risks to protect you and your family

  • Review employer benefits to take full advantage of what is available to you

  • Discuss how much to have in an emergency fund

  • Review your estate plan to verify it is up to date and accomplishes your goals

How should I invest my money?

  • Determine a portfolio mix based on your risk tolerance

  • Recommend a diversified portfolio with low fees

  • Review and offer advice on your 401(k) investment options

  • Simplify your accounts by offering consolidation options

  • Provide stock option strategies